The fact that most of the enemies you've already defeated are alive again, makes this considerably more difficult. You die on the way, and the souls are still lost forever. There is one major snag with the souls: if a villain kills you, the souls are lost.

With souls you can level up or exchange them for medicinal herbs, pieces of armor, or weapons. Instead of the usual experience points, the player earns experience by killing monsters for their souls. There's only a very short tutorial that newcomers to Dark Souls 2 can (maybe) get their questions answered. One false move and you end up dead - if you're not careful you'll be devoured after the first few steps. That's where the similarities with other RPGs end.

First, you build the character by putting various character customizations together, once you've got the height, build, and hair color set, you then choose a fighter class. Dark Souls 2 starts off in a way that's not all that unusual for an RPG.